Webinar: Evolving from a focus on roles to a skill-centric talent model

This session aims to present the current landscape of work and how this is evolving alongside economic and hiring trends. With focus on flexible talent and skills-centric talent models, the webinar will guide you through how to maximise business value, drive operational efficiency and maintain a competitive advantage when tapping into a freelance and contractor […]


Webinar: Martech Infrastructure

The accelerating rate of change of technology will result in even faster change in the future, meaning marketers need a robust approach of assessing technology against their needs. It’s impossible to know all the tools, so this session will cover the key questions to ask when considering a new martech tool, as well as how […]


Hvordan får du effekt på TikTok?

CodeNode Gdanskgade 2, København, Denmark

Cases med Dr. Oetker & Volkswagen TikTok er i konstant udvikling og spiller en stadig større rolle i danskernes hverdag. Det til trods er der stadig mange brands, der tøver med at anvende TikTok i deres mediemix. I dette seminar gør vi dig klogere på mediet, når vi, sammen med TikTok og førende specialister indenfor […]


WFA webinar: Sponsorship strategy


The Fundamentals of Sponsorship Series Three one-hour sessions, over a four-week period, October -November 2024.  The Fundamentals of Sponsorship Series is designed for WFA Member marketing professionals who are new to sponsorship or want to deepen their understanding of this increasingly important aspect of an integrated marketing strategy. The series provides brand-side marketers with essential […]


WFA Webinar: Privacy m. Google

Overall, this module will equip marketers with the knowledge and tools they will need to navigate the evolving privacy landscape and thrive in a privacy-first AI digital world.This module will provide: Who this module is aimed at: Marketing practitioners who are looking to better understand Meta’s investments in AI and how those investments are driving […]


Har du styr på din marketing-jura?

Kromann Reumert Sundkrogsgade 5, København Ø, Denmark

Kromann Reumert opdaterer dig på det seneste indenfor marketing-jura. Skriv et spørgsmål i forvejen -så tager vi det op :-)


WFA Webinar: Media Measurment

Measurement is one of the key challenges for modern-day marketers, with ever-increasing pressure to show value beyond just impressions and clicks. In a cookieless world there’s an opportunity to combine measurement methodologies to create more tailored measurement strategies, but with this opportunity brings challenges. This session will present best practice guidance on how to measure […]


WFA Webinar: Reflections on 2024: Inclusion, Innovation, and the Future of Marketing

As 2024 comes to a close, we find ourselves at the intersection of reflection and anticipation, looking back on an eventful year in marketing while preparing for the future.  This year, the industry experienced shifts, fuelled by the climbdown on inclusion and for some a renewed focus, continuous innovations in AI, a steadfastness on creative […]


1 uges Virtuel Marketing MasterClass

Få en uges gratis, virtuel undervisning med vores amerikanske storebror: ANA (Association of National Advertisers) Note: al undervisning er virtuel - og på engelsk. Kræver signup hos ANA (gratis) Beskrivelse af kurset: "ANA IQ: Elevate your Marketing IQ ANA IQ is the quintessential online learning platform crafted exclusively for the marketing profession. It offers a […]


MasterClass: Retail Media

Dansk Markedsføring Bredgade 19E, København

For dig der vil forstå og udnytte Retail Media Masterclass’en er en specialiseret uddannelse målrettet marketingprofessionelle, der ønsker at mestre brugen af retail media for at øge synlighed, engagement og salg. I en verden, hvor e-handel og detailhandlere spiller en stadig større rolle i forbrugerens købsrejse, er det afgørende at forstå, hvordan man effektivt udnytter […]


Qfaktor: Benchmark af 8 supermarkeders marketing


5 benchmark-analyser af REMA1000, Netto, Meny, Lidl, Kvickly, Føtex, Brugsen, Coop365. Se yderligere beskrivelse og tilmelding her: https://www.danskannoncørforening.dk/qfaktor/
