Webinar: In-housing

Most brands follow a journey to in-housing, from dependency to self-sufficiency, to full competence.​ This session will cover the process for brands to build the necessary in-house expertise, alignment and […]


Webinar: Media agency contract

Focus of this session: Commercial imperatives for any media agency contract FirmDecisions created for WFA, global guidance on the essential areas to cover in media contracts, to ensure good management […]


Webinar: Martech Infrastructure

The accelerating rate of change of technology will result in even faster change in the future, meaning marketers need a robust approach of assessing technology against their needs. It’s impossible […]


WFA webinar: Sponsorship strategy


The Fundamentals of Sponsorship Series Three one-hour sessions, over a four-week period, October -November 2024.  The Fundamentals of Sponsorship Series is designed for WFA Member marketing professionals who are new […]


WFA Webinar: Media Measurment

Measurement is one of the key challenges for modern-day marketers, with ever-increasing pressure to show value beyond just impressions and clicks. In a cookieless world there’s an opportunity to combine […]


1 uges Virtuel Marketing MasterClass

Få en uges gratis, virtuel undervisning med vores amerikanske storebror: ANA (Association of National Advertisers) Note: al undervisning er virtuel - og på engelsk. Kræver signup hos ANA (gratis) Beskrivelse […]


Qfaktor: Benchmark af 8 supermarkeders marketing


5 benchmark-analyser af REMA1000, Netto, Meny, Lidl, Kvickly, Føtex, Brugsen, Coop365. Se yderligere beskrivelse og tilmelding her: https://www.danskannoncørforening.dk/qfaktor/
